Do you even care about my biography?

I make music and art because I like to. Bottom line end of story, essentially. I will do this forever whether you listen and watch or not. I grew up in a small town, I still live there. I have a job to pay my bills and when I leave there I go to work on making things. I like chopping records sometimes, sometimes like like to play with synth sounds, sometimes I make music for trailers that sit on my hard drive because I don't know what to do with them. I like making videos about beats and I like making movies. I haven't made a feature yet but that's a current goal. I hate marketing and social media but I want to make this a full time gig because I'm addicted to the work so I trudge my way through it. As I get older I realize I don't want to sign with a label but admittedly it'd be a hell of a lot easier for my music to be heard I think. 90% of the time I don't know what I'm doing and am just winging it. I'm a hopeful person and while everything seems like it's awful I truly believe in people and goodness and I try to do my part in making a better day for everybody possible. This is my bio, I guess.